January 2, 2022

Rejecting the Taaghoot

Allaah SWT created human beings so that they choose to follow His commands and establish a society of peace and justice where human dignity, equality, fairness, compassion and graciousness are truly established norms of the society. This is what is called an Islamic state and this is what has always been the worldly goal of Islam.

Unfortunately, many people succumb to their temporal lusts and desires centred around serving their self-interest and self-gratification through any means at the expense of others. They rebel against their Creator by denying peace and justice in the world. They amass wealth, power and influence through unfair tactics, dirty games, and exploitation of the weak, while pretending to be the best in their morals and ethics. The more adept they are in playing these games, the more powerful and resourceful they become at the cost of the masses who continue to become weaker and poorer. The most vicious of them become the most powerful in the world. Those who reach that stage also become extremely arrogant. They do not tolerate people of the world living in any way other than by their rules and they ridicule and punish those who want to follow the rule of Allaah SWT. Such people are called ‘Taaghoot’ in the terminology of the Holy Qur-aan.

The Pharaoh of Egypt epitomized the persona of a Taaghoot. Hence, the Qur-aan mentions him as the prime example of such a character. However, every age has its own Taaghoots, just as it has believers in Allaah SWT.

So, how should believers deal with Taaghoot, if one exists, in their lifetime? The Qur-aan clearly expects believers to reject, resist, and refuse to cooperate with the Taaghoot in any way that supports it in its inequities or a way that strengthens its stranglehold around the weak of the world. Regardless of the terror inflicted on the believers, they are expected to remain uncompromising, faithful servants of Allaah while refusing to surrender to Taaghoot and while rejecting any lifestyles, programs, or ideology emanating from Taaghoot. Those who do so are guided and supported by Allaah SWT, while others are considered disbelievers.

There is to be no compulsion in choosing a Deen. The guidance has been clearly distinguished from rebellion. Now, Whoever rejects Taaghoot and keeps faith in Allaah, indeed he is the one holding the strongest, unbreakable support. Allaah is all-hearing and all-knowing. Allaah is the Supporter of believers. He takes them out of darkness into the light. As for the disbelievers, they have Taaghoot as their supporter who takes them out of light into darkness. They are the people of Fire wherein they will live forever. Al-Baqarah 2:256-257

Some believers may think of compromising with the circumstances, but the Qur-aan comments on such people in the following manner:

Have you seen those who claim to be believers in what has been revealed to you and what was revealed before you, but refer to the Taaghoot for decisions and judgements while they have been commanded to reject it (the Taaghoot). It is so because Shaytaan wants to mislead them far astray. An-Nisaa 4:60

Rejecting the Taaghoot and non-cooperating with it in its inequities is another aspect of Jihaad as defined and explained in the previous two posts.

May Allaah keep us on the path of His obedience, and save us from the misguidance of Shaytaan, help us resist and reject Taaghoot and make this easy for us. Aameen.

Posted in Islamic Practices on January 2, 2022 by Ayub Hamid

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